Small Business Storage Inventory Management

Without smart organization, working in a home or business office can be chaotic. Business owners understand just how inventory has a way of taking over your flat surfaces.

Whether you have a successful business, or you are starting out on a new venture, easy access to inventory and quickly getting it to customers is at the heart of successful business logistics. So, how do make space for the things you need while maintaining supplies and inventory?

Expert Inventory Management Tips
  • Store business items that are rarely used, such as seasonal equipment and old financial records behind items that you need access to on a more frequent basis.
  • Keep your business’s most popular products up front and within easy reach.
  • Create rows of inventory with plenty of walking space between the rows for simple access to the supplies and inventory you come in contact with most often.
  • Organize your items with other like items: by type, brand, color, size, etc.
  • Label your boxes with a picture, item description, and SKU – whatever works best for your business.
  • Take extra measures to ensure that your inventory is safe and secure.
  • Always update your inventory via electronic methods to ensure that you always have the items you need the most on hand.
  • Don’t be afraid to organize your items in your storage unit like a store. Displaying your products on organized shelving is a great way to visually see when you are running low on products.
  • Keep your inventory storage unit tidy. Break down and remove boxes, keep your merchandise organized, and tidy up before you leave.
  • Implement a convenient shipping station in a section of your storage unit. Stock your station with tape, packing paper, bubble wrap, and any other shipping supplied your products require.
  • Remember: Your monthly storage rent counts as a business expense, don’t forget to write it off!
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